
7 Location-based Photography Tips

by Lauryn Ishak

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7 Location-based Photography Tips
Alpha 7R III | FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM | 63 mm | 1/800 sec | F5 | ISO 400

1. Seek insights from locals

It usually takes some time to settle into a foreign environment. I found that the best way to familiarise oneself is to explore on foot. It’s the first thing I do when I arrive at a new place, or even if it’s somewhere I’ve been before. No place is the same twice and exploring helps me soak in the energy and mood of the surroundings. This is also an ideal way to make friends with locals. More often than not, I get useful tips from locals along the way. They point me to hidden places not usually frequented by tourists, which lead to interesting adventures and many fantastic picture opportunities.

Alpha 7R III | FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM | 39 mm | 1/500 sec | F8 | ISO 400

2. Timing is key 

The best light for shoots are mornings, late afternoons and early evenings. I’m always up before sunrise and put my camera down by late morning when the sun is pretty high in the sky. Rarely will I find a place great to photograph at noon – it’s a time that is usually reserved for all the indoor shots. I’m outdoors again by late afternoon when the light illuminates everything in a golden glow – this is the kind of lighting that causes immense wanderlust. 

Alpha 7R III | FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM | 44 mm | 1/500 sec | F5.6 | ISO 400

3. Have patience

The most part of photography is spent waiting…waiting for the right moment, waiting for the interesting characters to appear, waiting for the right light, waiting in the cold…just basically lots of waiting. But guess what - it does pay off! I can’t remember how many times when just that extra waiting time has given me images worth manifolds the waiting time. And when that moment does come, it’s usually fleeting and that’s when the quick and precise autofocus of Sony’s camera matters a great deal. I know I can rely on it every time!

Alpha 7R III | FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM | 47 mm | 1/160 sec | F2.8 | ISO 1000

4. Don’t rely completely on the Auto mode

Auto mode works just fine if you are not imagining a picture a certain way. However, if you are envisioning a certain look – perhaps a silhouetted person against a sunset – you may not get that on Auto mode.

5. Use the Live View

I have found that sometimes using the Live View mode gives me moments and shots I couldn’t have achieved otherwise. I find that the responsive Live View mode really helps me get a better connection with my portrait subjects as it allows me to engage them during shoots. The screen also has been helpful in achieving shots captured from creative angles.

Alpha 7R III | FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM | 24 mm | 1/40 sec | F2.8 | ISO 6400

6. Travel light

The compact size of the Alpha 7R III is perfect for travelling. Other than the FE 24-70mm F 2.8 GM lens, I also bring along the 55mm and 35mm lenses, making the camera a delightful travel-friendly size.

7. Pick a camera with lowlight capabilities

I cannot count how many times I had to rely on the excellent lowlight capabilities of Sony's camera when shooting at locations without a tripod. I usually do not like using a very high ISO for any of my photographs, but the Alpha 7R III on ISO 6400 produces excellent results.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author. They do not reflect the opinions or views of Sony Singapore.

  1. Actual colour and dimension may differ from the screen image.
  2. Colours & features of the product shown may differ by model and country.
  3. 4K: 3,840 x 2,160 pixels.
  4. Services availability depends on region. A part or whole of software/services installed into or accessible through the product may be changed, discontinued, removed, suspended, or terminated without notice.
  5. Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
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